How to Generate more Business using a Website!

4 min readJun 4, 2022


Are you running a business in Kenya and still lack a website? Then, you may be missing a lot. According to Communications Statistics, Kenya has one of the highest internet penetration rates. More Kenyans crawl into the internet to search for business information each passing day. At that moment lies the biggest opportunity for you!

As an entrepreneur, you need to grab the attention of these people on the internet. Customers need to find your business online when they google your business name, products or services. The best way to attract these audiences is by owning a website. But how does one benefit from having a business website?

I. Improves Credibility and Trust

Often, many Kenyans go to the business website to gather information about a business. They go over product or services description and compare them with those of your rivals. Besides, they verify if you have a physical address and contact address. Others will head to the review section. But why do they do this?

People want to build confidence in your business. This confidence is built on honesty and trust. The lack of a website makes potential customers question your identity and existence. However, they can confirm your firm is legitimate with a well-designed website. Consequently, they can enter into transactions with you.

II. Creates Brand Awareness

You may have set your sights on expanding your business across the country or the neighboring Kenyan countries. Not only does a website help you achieve these objectives, but it exposes you to even a global audience. Many people will know that your business exists by the simple act of creating a website.

They learn what you stand for or represent by just going over your website. Also, potential customers get a chance to differentiate your products or services from those of competitors. Eventually, they can become future buyers when satisfied that your business can deliver quality results.

III. Increase Customers Convenience

Nowadays, none of us wish to spend countless hours skipping from one store to another looking for what we need. Instead, we search for things on the internet. We let the search engines such as Yahoo or Google “do their thing.” Research conducted by Vistaprint revealed that 60% of people use the internet first to check for local products or services. There is an obvious reason for this.

It is much easier and faster to collect business information through the internet. People want to spend less time and effort gathering information about your firm. Therefore, owning a website goes a long way in improving your business accessibility.

IV. Increase Leads and Sales

A website increases the chance of a business making more sales. But how do you stand a chance of raising your sales? A website is a perfect avenue to generate leads. As people research products or services on the internet, they will land at your door (website).

On the website, they can gather all information they want. If people like what you are selling, they can contact you. They can call, sign up for a newsletter, or place an order. This allows you to make more sales and even expand.

V. Exchange Information

A website acts as a communication tool between customers and the business. Both parties get to exchange critical information. From your website, customers can learn almost everything about your firm. There is no limit to the bulk of information you can give them through a website.

You can include adverts on your website pages. As a result, existing and potential customers will know about the latest offers or promotions. In addition, customers can opt to receive regular updates by subscribing to the firm’s newsletter. Most importantly, they can learn how to contact you through email, text or phone call. Alternatively, they can physically visit your shop by following the map directions given on your website.

VI. Boosts Digital Marketing Efforts

Do you want to scale your digital marketing efforts? Then, you need a website. Creating a website helps you boost and complement other forms of digital marketing, such as email and social media marketing. This is possible in many ways.

From the business website, new customers can subscribe to an email newsletter. Through the subscription, you get to know which people are interested in your products or services. As a result, you can target these people by sending them regular promotional updates through email. Similarly, customers can get these updates when they click on the social media links provided on the website. From your business’s Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter pages, they can stay closely connected to you.

With a website, you can also leverage Search Engine Methods (SEO) and Search Engine Methods (SEM) marketing methods. Using these two methods, you can focus your marketing efforts on the most relevant audience exploring your business products or services. The main advantage of SEO and SEM methods is that marketing efforts are measurable. You will know what marketing strategies are working or not by tracking customers’ online activities through digital analytics. Besides, you get to control the amount of money you spend on digital marketing.

Final Thoughts

There are countless benefits that you can reap from having a business website. You can increase sales, build brand awareness, and scale digital marketing efforts, as explained above. However, to realize all these benefits and more, you need to have a well-constructed, friendly, and rich-content website. A high-quality website attracts the right traffic and helps you stay ahead of your rivals! So, what are you waiting for? Get started now!




A passionate content writer with professional qualifications in economics, finance, and digital marketing. Lets share knowledge together!